sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010

Despre Parintele Arsenie Boca - Partea I

3 comentarii:

  1. cu cita tarie a putut sa creada acest om? nu stiu zau de unde si-a gasit izvorul si taria...ghizela

  2. Dumnezeu a reprezentat izvorul si taria Lui(cel putin asa cred).

  3. Corner Truth - The Secret History
    "To liquidate peoples, start with altering them, delete them by memory. They destroy books, culture, history and someone to write other books, gives them a different culture, they invent a new history. Meanwhile, people begin to forget what is and what it was, and those around you will soon forget, language will no longer be merely a part of folklore, which sooner or later, will die a natural death . emerge from the debris thrown into history ...
